Dealing with Heartbreak/Grief/Illness While Running a Business

Dealing with Heartbreak/Grief/Illness While Running a Business

Dealing with Heartbreak/Grief/Illness While Running a Business

I have a question for you. If you stop working, will your business stop working too?

That's what you and I are going to be discussing today. If you're dealing with anything difficult in your personal life right now, and you're trying to keep your business afloat while slowly dying inside, or maybe not dying inside, but struggling with something, this is for you.

Whether that is heartbreak, breakup, illness, loneliness, grief, or something else, whatever you are going through, my heart goes out to you and I really hope that this helps you.

There's a time to work hard at your business, and there’s a time to work on yourself and on healing yourself. I want to make sure that when this hard time comes for you, whether that is now or in the future, your business can survive without you being so hands-on.

I want you to be able to look after yourself and still come back to a functioning, profitable business.